
   Open from the middle of march until 31 October

Situated in the hills around Arezzo, the caravan and camping park occupies an area for 22.000 mq., has 40 thickly wooded camping pitches, 8 mobile homes of 24 mq with air conditioned. equipped terrace, swimmingpool, soccer field ( played with 6 players), tennis, volleyball, tennis- table, , restaurant, café- bar, all purpose room, kinder play-area.


1 Administration

2 Tennis

3 Bungalows

4 Bar Restourant

5 changing rooms and hygienic services

6 Camping

7 Break

8 Games

9 Parking area

10 garaging

11 Swimming Pool

mobile houses

All the mobilhomes offer air conditioned and heating,a bathroom with shower, gas cooker, refrigerator. There are every confort and services with one double bed room and two single bed room, a terrace with table, chairs and sun-umbrella.


Delicious restaurant pizzeria offers above all regional plates but also specialities known all over Italy with special attention to season-products lihe mushrooms and game.
Large room to do banquet and feasts with fire-place for winter particular and suggestive all the evenings.







From/Von 70,00€



To/Bis 110,00€





From/Von 400,00€



To/Bis 600,00€


Stays from Saturday after-noon to Saturday morning
Aufenthalte von Samstag nachmittag bis Samstag früh


€. 10,00 / per person per change / Person Wechseln)
Linen (by request)
Wäsche (auf Wunsch)


€. 25,00
Weekly Flat’s cleaning (by request)
Tagliche Reinigung der Wohnung (auf Wunsch)
 Mandatory Final cleaning / Endreinigung €. 25,00




Erwachsene Adults





Kinder bis 6 Jahre Children until 6 years





Stellplatz Pitch


7,00€ – 13 – 16



Besucher über 2 Stunden Guests over 2 hours





2° Car 2° Wagen





2° Motorcycle 2° Motorrad





 CITY TAX 1,50€


*Prices include: Hot Water, Car park, Electricity, V.A.T.




A bright hill town in eastern Tuscany, Arezzo boasts an ancient origin.

A bright hill town in eastern Tuscany, Arezzo boasts a very ancient origin. After being one of the major Etruscan lucumonies it became a strategically important Roman city. Important monuments bear witness to flourishing economic activities, foremost the Amphiteater with its important remains: Well kown were its foundries and artistic red vase factories (called coralline vases) whose tchnique spread throughout the roman world: In the Middle Ages Arezzo was a free comune where often the interests of the Ghibelline party prevailed, antagonizaing the nearby Guelf Florence:F

.Arezzo lies on a hill at the edge of a plain formed by the Arno river alluvions:On the top of the hill stand out the Cathedral, the City Palace and the medici Fortress; the main road descend in a fan shape down to the city gates


Santa Maria della Pieve is the largest and most beatiful romanesque church in the Arezzo region and certainly the most characteristic that sprang up in the city during the period of its independence, behind the church is the Piazza Grande where on the third Sunday of Giune and the first Sunday of September is held the “ Giostra del Saracino” Here there is also an antique fair on the first Sunday of every month: Considered a true anthology of architectural style, from the Romanesque to the Gothic, the Renaissance and the Baroque, Piazza Grande is one of the most original, organic and picturesque squares in Italy


CORTONA:  Landscape

Built on a spur of the Monte Sant’Egidio, Cortona is surrounded by powerfull walls,smoothed down by centuries end winds, along which the ancient gates open in correspondence to the roads coming up from the valley. The visitors looking araund from the topo walls can admire one of the widest and harmonius views in Italy. The rich and immense Val di Chiana, limited on the horizon by the Siena mountains, foremost the Amiata and the Cetona; and closer up the wide expanse of the Trasimeno lake.

Cortona’s Etruscan power is witnessed by the still standing imposing segments of the city walls: Several Etruscan tombs were found in the valley.

Of high price is the civilian architecture with Medieval and Renaissance buildings. Splendid the many churches.


The speldid “ Casentino Forest Park” is the Heart of one of the most actractive landscapes in Tuscany, where spirituality and natural beauty meet in a context of sublime tranquillity, there are small medieval hamlets, monasteries and Renaissance sities, and provides an ideal starting point for excursions through the area.

LA VERNA: The majestic Sanctuary of San Francesco, a site of constant pilgrimage over the centuries and religious centre known all over the world

CAMALDOLI: It is said that San Romualdo, in 1012, arriving in these places of the Casentino with some disciples “.. somewhat firm standing leaning on the stick that he wore: looking hora in this hora in that part, because you could not see if the sky is in the ground other than tall trees …. “and here he built the first five cells of the monastery and a small chapel: From that first settlement the great Camaldolese monastery became a religious reference point of international importance, a destination for visits and pilgrimages. Starting from the serene atmospheres of the Monastery we climb to the Hermitage, of great mystical suggestion, where we can still today visit the cell of San Romualdo and the chapel where he had mystical visions


I nostri particolari



TEL: +39 353 448 80 75

Localita Ruscello 10052100, Arezzo, Italia